The first Friends (Quakers) came to Hancock County in the middle of the nineteenth century. They established churches in the county, but it was following a series of evangelistic services held in 1889 that our church was established here in the city of Greenfield. The first building was erected on North State Street, and in 1962 a new facility was built on our present site. A dedication service was held on October 14, 1962.
Friendly Faith
Following are some of the unofficial statements to provide a general understanding of the Friends (Quaker) faith.
* As Friends of Jesus, our purpose is to know him as Savior, follow him as teacher, proclaim him as Lord and grow in our love and service for God, one another and all people.
*We emphasize that true religion involves an immediate , inward, personal and corporate encounter with God, through Jesus Christ, and that this, rather than ritual and ceremony, is the essence of Christian faith.
*We emphasize that worship is an experience of seeking and discovery rather than a performance.
*We emphasize integrity, simplicity, and humility are essential to Christian faith and practice.
*We emphasize Christ-like love extends to all with peace and equality finding expression in caring service and justice.
*We emphasize the truths discovered in the Scriptures and that the Spirit of God grants ongoing openings, insights, guidance and understanding of spiritual truth.